Monday, January 15, 2007

Women in Development

The concept of 'women in development' (WID) is origin at the end of 1960s and early 1970s, after the publication of Ester Boserp's book 'women's Role in Economic Development'. The term is articulated by the American liberal feminists. This approach is linked with the modification theory of the 1950s to 1970s. It gives more emphasis on integrate women in economic system and administrative changes. Women's productive role emphasizes on developed to minimize disadvantages of women in the productive sector. Women question become visible in the area of development theory and practice.
WID was grounded in traditional modernization theory, which assumed wrongly that women were not integrated in the process of development. It accepts existing social structures. It did not question the sources of women's subordination and oppression of non-confrontational approach. It did question why women had not benefited from development strategies. WID Focused exclusively on productive aspect of work, ignoring or minimizing the reproductive side of women's live.
In Nepal, it has adopted some policies to promote the status of women. The policies focus on incorporating women in development process and aimed for economic growth. Women were not officially viewed as agents of development. Policies focus on the women effective participation in the development process that can raise the economic growth rate of the country.
The seventh and eight five year plans had maintained on the basic points of sixth plan with some modifications. The Eight Plan give more emphasis on the policy measures and promotional measures to increase women's role in policy making, legal awareness training for rural women, provision for loan and raw materials, and institutional mechanisms to coordinate and monitor WID activities.
In order to achieve the objectives put forth in various development plans. The government, since 1980, has designed sectoral policies and programs for women in development.
The current plan and policies for women's development has been influenced by the Beijing conference 1995. In order to show consideration for the commitment in the Beijing conference, the Ministry of women, children and social welfare was established. Later the Ministry also established Beijing Action Forum National Follow-up Committee.

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